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      How to distinguish nail polish from dry?

      release time:2019-01-29  viewed:2363次
      Nail polish is relatively simple, but it does require a little patience when waiting for nail polish to dry. After waiting for some time, we would like to know whether the nail polish was dry or not, but we could not contact directly. There are some ways to distinguish whether nail polish is dry or not. If we grasp these methods, we can distinguish whether nail polish is dry.
      Time discrimination
      It takes 4-6 hours for nail polish to dry completely. (without any assistance), at this time, it is assumed that nail polish may be scratched, so don't let nail polish touch you in these hours. Especially sharp objects. But it doesn't mean that you have to stay motionless for a few hours, that you can move properly in 30 minutes, and that you can touch things in two hours (don't let them touch your nails directly).
      Touch sensation
      After finishing the nail polish for 30 minutes, rub the nail on the nail with the first nail on the nail. It can tell whether the nail polish is dry. Assuming that the nail polish is not sticky at all times, it means that it has dried up, but it is only superficial. Even if there is no sticky feeling, we will have to do 30 minutes to do the activity.

      A previous: Warm congratulations on the successful launch of our website!
      Next news: How to preserve nail polish?
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      Address: Plant 1&2,West Section,Zongwu Road,North Section,Henger Road,Jindong New Urban District,Jindong District,Jinhua City,Zhejiang Province,China
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