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      Contact us
      Address:Plant 1&2,West Section,Zongwu Road,North Section,Henger Road,Jindong New Urban District,Jindong District,Jinhua City,Zhejiang Province,China
      Tel: 13454985997
      Website: www.fangbangke.cn
      Company News Location:Home >> News >> Company News >> Detailed content

      Warm congratulations on the successful launch of our website!

      release time:2019-01-24  viewed:2016次
              Science and technology create brand, brand makes beautiful! Rui Cai cosmetics company will repay every consumer's favor with better quality products, repay every partner's support with more sincere service, and join hands with you to create a more beautiful life and a happier future.
              Rui Cai Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is equipped with international high-standard automatic production equipment. It introduces ISO, 5S, GMPC series system standards as an important means of management efficiency, and implements standardized and programmed management mode. In terms of quality control, we strictly follow the standard of GMPC and ISO series system, meticulous and meticulous monitoring of high-standard links at every step, and provide truly excellent products for consumers and affiliated stores throughout the country!

      A previous: Warm congratulations on the success of our company website!!!
      Next news: How to distinguish nail polish from dry?
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      Address: Plant 1&2,West Section,Zongwu Road,North Section,Henger Road,Jindong New Urban District,Jindong District,Jinhua City,Zhejiang Province,China
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